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“Entreprise du Futur” platform: Cryla Group becomes a certified member

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Since the start of 2020, we have all been grappling with an unprecedented health crisis which is prompting individuals and businesses alike to completely review the way they operate and radically overhaul their working practices.

For the safety of their staff, customers and suppliers, many firms of all shapes and sizes are engaged in creative efforts to guarantee the continuity of their business, pitch their innovative solutions, products and services and operate more efficiently against the backdrop of the COVID-19 crisis.

In such challenging times, we can be more innovative and inventive by clubbing together!

So Cryla Group is immensely proud to have become a certified member of the “Entreprise DU FUTUR” network and joined CONFIANCE, the trust-based platform where certified SMEs and mid-caps can market their products and services alongside a hundred other SMEs and mid-caps!

Through our certification, our company is joining a trust-based local network dedicated to all SME and mid-cap “HEROS”, which stands for “Human”, “Engaged”, “Revolutionary”, “Orchestrator” and “Strategic”: Entreprise DU FUTUR.

La démarche du cercle de confiance de Entreprise du Futur


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