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LinkedIn: More than 1,000 followers already…Thank you!

Suivez nous sur les réseaux :

Thank you to our 1,000 followers for helping us to reach this milestone!

More and more of you are following our industrial adventure on a daily basis and sharing our latest updates, our new additions and our ambition on LinkedIn!

We appreciate:

☑️  your participation,

☑️  your positive reactions,,

☑️  and your content sharing

Stay up-to-date with what we’re doing!

1,000 followers today, and even more tomorrow no doubt, who will want to find out about Cryla Group’s people-driven industrial adventure, the women and men making up its workforce, its expertise and ambition all serving your growth.

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  • Find out about our latest new additions and our innovative technologies,
  • Hear our news, our customer testimonials and lots more besides,

Don’t miss any information about:

  • Our upcoming business conventions and other events,
  • Our new job or internship opportunities, etc.

We look forward to welcoming you as one of our new followers soon!

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+33 (0)3 81 50 14 11